It’s Not
Just the Luck of the Irish!
You’ve heard people say, “They must have the luck of the Irish!” But
the truth is, there’s nothing lucky about success. Success is earned,
planned and achieved. Successful businesspeople share many common
characteristics. Here are 5 of them:
1. Do what you enjoy. What you get out of your
business in the form of personal satisfaction, financial gain,
stability and enjoyment is the sum of what you put into your business.
So if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, in all likelihood, it’s safe
to assume that will be reflected in the success (or lack of success) in
your business. In fact, if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, chances
are you won’t succeed.
2. Believe in yourself and your services. You cannot
expect to be effective and successful in business unless you truly
believe in your business and in the goods and services that you sell.
Do you believe that you are the best agent with the best services to
offer? What sets you apart from other agents? Successful agents KNOW
they are the best and offer the best services.
3. Ask for the sale. Marketing, advertising or
promotional activities are completely worthless – regardless of how
clever, expensive or perfectly targeted they are – unless one simple
thing is accomplished: You ask for the sale. This is not to say that
being a great salesperson, marketing specialist or hard worker isn’t a
tremendous asset to your business; however, all of these skills will be
for naught if you don’t actively ask people to buy what you’re selling.
4. It’s all about the customer. The success of your
business is not about the services you sell, the prices you charge or
how to beat the competition. Your business is all about your customers.
After all, your customers are the people who will ultimately decide if
your business goes boom or bust. Everything you do in business – your
presentation, your services, your availability, your advertising and
promotional campaigns and your website ¬– must be customer focused.
5. Become a shameless self-promoter (without becoming
obnoxious). One of the greatest myths about success is that
your business, personal abilities and services will eventually be
discovered, and masses of people will beat a path to your door asking
you to list their homes or to buy a home through you. But how can this
happen if no one knows who you are, what you sell and why they should
be buying from you? Self-promotion is one of the most beneficial – yet
most underutilized – marketing tools that the majority of agents have
at their immediate disposal.
There are many other traits of top salespeople, but these 5 are a good
start to begin reflecting on. How do you stack up?
Something to Think About
I understand that being a shameless self-promoter can be tough. It
feels like bragging but, as they say in the south, “It’s a sorry dog
that won’t wag its own tail!” They won’t know you’re out there ready to
help unless you tell them that you are!
Weekly Challenge
There are several ways to “wag your own tail” without bragging. Let
others brag for you. Ask all of your clients to write a testimonial
about you and your service. Put it in a pre-listing notebook, and drop
it off at your clients’ home before the listing appointment. Or send
them a file via email. Ask the potential sellers to review how you
work, what sets you apart from others, and what others say about your
work as an agent.
Words of Wisdom
“Work as though you would live forever, and live as though you would
die today. Go another mile!” – Og Mandino
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at
change.” – Wayne Dyer
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the
human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of
circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Victor E. Frankl
“Everything you buy, think, say and do is a statement of what you
believe you are worth.” – Alan Cohen
“Most people are about as happy as they make up their mind to be. If
they don’t decide to be happy, we can’t keep them happy, no matter what
we do.” – Abraham Lincoln
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