Monday, May 22, 2017

Monday Morning Wake Up Call


Monday Morning Wake Up Call:
Your Motivation, Inspiration, & Direction for the Week Ahead



Spending Time Wisely
Was it a fun filled, productive weekend? How do you spend your time? Did you spend it wisely? Did you spend it doing something fun, working – or both? Regardless of how you spent it, each of us has 66 hours from Friday at 5:00pm until Monday at 6:00am to invest wisely. Whose life was impacted by your hours? Clients, family, friends? What memories were created? How many times did you smile, or make others smile? What was the best part of your weekend? If you could turn back the clock, would you spend that time differently? The goal is to end each day with the satisfaction that it was well spent. That you contributed to something bigger than yourself, and that you took the time to also take care of yourself. When we take the time to care for ourselves, we are better able to care for others.

Here’s a quick checklist:
• Did you get 8 hours of sleep each night?
• Did you eat healthy? At least 75% of your food should have been whole foods & water.
• Did you exercise? You should exercise at least 30 minutes per day.
• Did you hug someone you love? Studies show that hugs build our immune system.
• Did you laugh? It can be a funny movie, or laughter in a conversation. Laughter actually extends our life.
It’s the little things that can keep you healthy and going full blast, as most of us do, most of the time!

Something to Think About
Some people always seem calm, relaxed and prepared, while others are stressed, feeling pressure and never have enough time to do what they need to do. Why? We have the same number of hours to work with. What’s the secret?

Weekly Activity
We all have that person in our life who seems to keep it all together; they stay balanced, and calm all the time. What is their secret? Take this week to reach out to someone who “appears” to have it all together and ask them to share their secret. Don’t be surprised if they have the same challenges that you have. Be prepared to share a few of your secrets as well.

Words of Wisdom
In all aspects of our lives balance is key. Doing one thing too much can cause upset, like the old saying goes, everything in moderation is the secret! Catherine Pulsifer
The problem is that technology has become an extra limb for some of us. It's important to utilize this technology, but at the same time it’s important to know when to take a break from it. Alex Broches
Like with anything in life, find the balance between too much work and being too lazy; between spending too much and being a scrooge; between being gone all the time and being in each other's way; between talking each other's ears off and dead silence. Christian Olsen
It's not about balance, it's about designing a work-home-family life that makes you feel good. A life you don't need a vacation from. Jacqueline Fisch
Your beliefs should knock the scale way off balance leaning to the side of love. If the other side is weighed down with worry, guilt, shame, anger or frustration, choose right now to change that! Debbie Dixon

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