Monday, January 9, 2017

Four Tips to Freshen Up Curb Appeal in the Syracuse Winter

When selling your home in Syracuse, it is a great idea to organize an open house. If this open house is occurring during the harsh winter months, there are a few steps you'll want to take to give the property a little more curb appeal.

snowy evergreen

Add Exterior Lighting

As winter approaches and daylight hours become less and less, it can be hard to fully appreciate the exterior of a home when first pulling up to it. A few outdoor lighting options include installing a lantern on either side of the front door or adding lights along the walkway leading to the front door. Floodlights may also be necessary to highlight architectural details you'd like to accentuate for potential buyers and give the whole home a warm glow.

Subtle Decorations

During open houses, buyers want to be able to see themselves in the home they are viewing, and this is hard to do with big and bold decorations. Instead, when selling your house, stick with subtle decorations that offer a warm and inviting vibe. During the Syracuse winter, a seasonal wreath on the front door looks nice, as do a few white lights around a porch railing or the bushes in the front yard.

Winter Tolerant Plants

There are plenty of winter tolerant plants to consider using during the winter months that will help freshen up your curb appeal. Hearty grasses and evergreens work well for planters on the porch or near the front entrance, especially with accenting ceramic pots in warm tones that match the home. Winter hazels and pansies are also nice additions.

Your local realtor can offer additional suggestions on how you can increase your curb appeal during the Syracuse winter. Of course, don't forget the most obvious task to clear any snow or ice and make a safe entrance into the home. Incorporating these tips when selling your home will help create a memorable and inviting experience, even during the coldest winter months.

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