Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday Wake Up Call


Monday Wake Up Call:

Your Motivation, Inspiration, & Direction for the Week Ahead


  Happy Monday! Let's give a special shout out to those who serve to protect our country and those who have served in the past to defend our country as we celebrate Armed Forces Day and pay tribute to the many who serve in the various branches of our military.
  On August 31, 1949, United States Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy and Air Force days. The event stemmed from the armed forces'
unification under the Department of Defense. The first Armed Forces Day was celebrated on May 20, 1950. The theme for that day was "Teamed for Defense," which expressed the unification of all military forces under one government department.
  Parades, open houses, receptions, picnics and air shows are just a few of the events that you might see this week. Who is that special person in your life who has served to protect your rights and way of life? Have you ever sat down with him or her to discuss the military or ask why he or she decided to serve? Ask to hear his or her "story," because everybody has one.
  It would be wonderful to have world peace and eliminate the need for military defenses, but I don't think we'll see that in our lifetime.
Because there are wars, and because there are people who would like to take away our liberty and way of life, the world needs those who are willing to serve, protect and defend our country. If that person is you, thank you so much!
  Write a note to someone - or several people in your life - who serves or has served to protect our country. It can be simple, and it also can be a call just to say thanks. Here's a sample note: Because I'm not in your shoes, I know I will never fully appreciate the sacrifices you make for your family, your friends, our country and me every day. However, I am especially reflective of my gratitude as we celebrate Armed Forces Day. It is because of your sacrifices that I am able to enjoy my freedoms. So with a great degree of sincerity and humility, thank you for all you've done and continue to do for my family, my friends, our country and me. Sincerely, Your Name
  "Well, in the first place, military service, they don't call it service for nothing. You are actually serving your country. And it is a worthy and valid vocation." - Rev. Rick Warren
  "We must never forget why we have, and why we need, our military. Our armed forces exist solely to ensure our nation is safe, so that each and every one of us can sleep soundly at night, knowing we have 'guardians at the gate.'" - Allen West
  "Freedom does not come without a price. We may sometimes take for granted the many liberties we enjoy in America, but they have all been earned through the ultimate sacrifice paid by so many of the members of our armed forces." - Charlie Dent
  "We, the People is more than a statement of purpose. It is an acknowledgement of an obligation to each other." - Charlie Pierce
  "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan

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