Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday Morning Wake Up Call

Monday Morning Wake Up Call:
Your Motivation, Inspiration, & Direction for the Week Ahead
10 Lessons for a Healthier, Happier Life
Welcome to this edition of the Monday Morning Wake-Up Call. I hope that you had a relaxing weekend filled with friends and family.

Are you one of the millions of Americans constantly looking for a new and better way to lose weight and feel great? What if I told you that you can learn everything you need to know about fitness, health and nutrition from kids. Here are 10 things children can teach you about healthy living:

1. Everything can be a game. Why drag through the same workout routines when you can add a little fun? Make up rules, shoot for personal records, try something different – maybe fitness boxing or a trampoline gym – and regain your competitive spirit.

2. Don’t walk when you can run. Every day is full of opportunities to improve your fitness. This rule is closely related to “don’t drive when you can walk.”

3. If you don’t like it, don’t eat it. Chances are, your healthy eating habits won’t stick around long if you hate what you’re eating. Healthy eating involves balance and moderation.

4. Laughter feels good. Kids seem to inherently know that laughter can ease blood pressure, help your brain function, give you energy and help you have fun while reaching goals.

5. Playtime is important. We get so caught up in work that we forget to take time for ourselves. Not only does relaxing make life worthwhile, but it also has real health benefits.

6. The world should be full of color – especially on your dinner plate! Splash it with as many colors as possible. It’s more fun to look at, and the most colorful produce options often pack the most nutrients.

7. It’s always more fun with friends around. Children tend to gravitate toward other children. It gives them spirit and makes them want to play all day. Working out with other people is almost like having your own little playgroup.

8. Adventures are found outside. Every kid knows that the good stuff – fresh air, wide-open spaces, limitless possibilities – is in the great outdoors. Open the door, and start a new adventure every day.

9. Use your imagination. You can be anyone you want to be at any time. Give yourself permission to believe in your own superpowers, and let your mind take you wherever it wants to go.

10. Anything is possible. No fear, no self-doubt, no negative self-talk, no self-criticism, no worries, no destructive anxieties or thoughts of failure. Children believe that they can do anything. And you know what? They’re right.

The truth is, when we feel better, we do better. We’re more productive and present personally and professionally. By implementing some of these great ideas borrowed from our little friends, we can infuse our lives with more energy, health, wellness and joy. And that makes us better people all around, don’t you think? Have a great week!

Something to Think About
I once heard someone say that the easiest way to get in shape is to follow a 5-year-old for a week and do everything that he/she does! Children that age are always running, bending, jumping and exploring. Do you have the energy to follow a 5-year-old for a week? How about a day? An hour? It’s worth a try! Weekly Challenge Make this the week where you walk instead of drive (when possible) and run instead of walk (when possible). Spend some time in the great open air – and laugh often and much. It’s good for your body, your spirit and even your business. I promise!

Words of Wisdom
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” – John F. Kennedy
“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.” – Earl of Derby

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Ryan

“Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states.” – Carol Welch

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