Monday, February 17, 2014

The Value of Newspaper Advertising

Congratulations to The Post-Standard! Scarborough is an independent research company that has ranked the Post-Standard #1 for a newspaper website.  Read the full story below.  Another reason why we choose to advertise in the Post-Standard.

By | The Post-Standard The Post-Standard
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on February 14, 2014 at 4:11 PM

Syracuse, N.Y. — has been ranked the No. 1 newspaper website in the country by Scarborough research company.
    The ratings are based on market penetration, which is the percentage of adults in the market who visit the website in a seven-day period.
    Scarborough also ranked The Post-Standard the No. 4 newspaper in the country for readership penetration among Sunday newspapers.
    Syracuse Media Group President Tim Kennedy attributed the ranking to the quality and quantity of news and advertising on the site.
    "There are a lot of great news websites in the country, so it feels really good to be No. 1," he said.
Syracuse Media Group was formed last year to take over the operations of The Post-Standard and, with increased focus on digital media. tallied 37.5 million page views in January, a record for the month.

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