Friday, November 18, 2011

What the Frack!?

The debate over hydraulic fracturing, i.e. hydrofracking, in Syracuse doesn't seem to be ending any time soon despite an October 24th ban from Syracuse's Common Council.

Those anti-fracking cite contaminated water, increased traffic, lack of regulation and a change in the character of small towns and villages as reasons to not hydrofrack. The main argument for drilling rests upon the creation of 6,000 to 24,000 direct jobs (this does not include jobs created indirectly from the process) as well as providing revenue through lease and royalty payments from the drilling. The revenue would stimulate local economies that have been struggling these past few years.

Recently, over 850 people assembled in Dansville, NY to discuss the matter. Supporters urged for the passage of new rules as start the process of drilling as early as next year.  The drilling would finally bring in jobs and revenue to the region. Opponents feared the environmental effects that hydrofracking would bring to the area as well as what effect it would have on the tourism of the area.

The jury is most certainly still out. Only time and further research will clue us in as to what the fate of hydrofracking in Syracuse holds.

For a timeline of articles on hydrofracking check out this link from

Read the full Buffalo News article.

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